Our Products

Sleep World
We've been tackling this fascinating subject through our personal life paths (since 2012). The dangers of sleeping pills prompted us to look for alternative solutions, first to cure ourselves of our own insomnia, then to enable millions of insomniacs all around the world to fall asleep without chemicals.

Kids' Inner World
The mental health of adults begins at an early age. Emotional balance is an essential pillar in the growth of children. Our experience in stress management has led us to bring together the best specialists to create entertaining tools to defuse inner conflicts.

Second Brain World
Our digestive system contains almost 200 million neurons, and is the pillar of our health. The microbiota that occupies it is intimately linked to our emotions. It's a fascinating subject, which led us to take an interest in fermentation and bacteria. Through our meetings with experts on the subject, we have developed a collection of essential living products to care for it.